Use this worksheet to figure out your student's cost.
STUDY SESSION: No ___ Yes ___ (Circle session fee cost at the bottom)
OVERSIGHT: Yes ____ No ____ (Circle course fee cost at the bottom)
The annual cost of the study session full day program is ($3,240) for 3 days a week
($2,340) for 2 days a week &
($1,440) for 1 day a week
If paid in full you will receive a 10% discount at a total of
($2,916) for 3 full days a week
($2,106) for 2 full days a week
($1,296) for 1 full day a week
*Full day = 9 am-2 pm
Half day costs are
($2,520) for 3 days a week
($1,440) for 2 days a week or
($900) for 1 half day a week
Paid in full discounted costs are
($2,268) for 3 days a week
($1,296) for 2 days a week or
($810) for 1 day a week
*Half day = 9 am-12 pm
If tuition is paid in 9 monthly installments the cost can be calculated below.
Whether the month is a full month of program days or only half month, the monthly payment is the same. Why is this? For ex., the monthly cost of the 3 day 9-2pm Study Session Program is really ($442.50) but to make it more reasonable for parents we have spread the payments out over the course of the entire school year. This means that full payments for the shortened months (days program is not open) of Dec & May are needed to cover the full cost of the program.
The application requires that you acknowledge that you are responsible for 9 installment payments in the amount of the FINAL TOTAL at the bottom. Payments are collected (Aug 31st – Apr 30th). If withdrawing from our program, one month’s notice must be given.
Center Open: Mon/Wed/Fri 9-2pm
Study Session (Sep-Apr) Monthly Fee
3 days 9-2 $360
2 days 9-2 $260
1 day 9-2 $160
3 half days 9-12 $280
2 half days 9-12 $160
1 half day 9-12 $100
Electivity Wed/ 10am-5pm Monthly Fee
Courses (Sep-Apr)
Art $45
Cinematography $45
Computer Basics $45
Cooking Class $45
Career Planning $45
Science Exp. Club $45
Spanish Basics $45
Piano Keyboard $45
Photography $45
(Add MONTHLY TOTALS here): _______
Paid in Full Monthly Fee
Registration Fee $75 No Option
Oversight Fee $300 $35
Subtract any Fees paid in full ______
Diagnostic Tests ($25)
Standardized Test ($45)
Now add up all your fees. This amount is what you will pay monthly from August to April
TOTAL Monthly Tuition (Including Oversight Fees)
Payment Links & Application are located on the Home Page. If you plan to enroll please contact Anita Gibson at anita@anitagibson first so she can walk you through the process. Then fill out the application, scan it & send it to and pay the $75 application fee using the PayPal button on the home page.
The Project Excel Admin Team